Results for 'Westminster Presbyterian Church'

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  1. Repenting of retributionism.Westminster Presbyterian Church & Santa Fe - 2001 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 8:161.
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    Repenting of Retributionism.Britton W. Johnston - 2001 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 8 (1):161-166.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:REPENTING OF RETRIBUTIONISM Britton W. Johnston Westminster Presbyterian Church, Santa Fe Retributionism refers to the universal common-sense beliefthat the wicked will suffer and the righteous will receive reward. "Theodicy" is the problem ofthejustification ofGod in the light ofthe fact that retributionism is not borne out by our experience. These two concepts have so scandalized the church that theologians can think oflittle else; and as with (...)
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    Reformed Virtue after Barth: Developing Moral Virtue Ethics in the Reformed Tradition by Kirk J. Nolan.Amos Winarto Oei - 2017 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 37 (2):213-214.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Reformed Virtue after Barth: Developing Moral Virtue Ethics in the Reformed Tradition by Kirk J. NolanAmos Winarto Oei, PhDReformed Virtue after Barth: Developing Moral Virtue Ethics in the Reformed Tradition Kirk J. Nolan LOUISVILLE, KY: WESTMINSTER JOHN KNOX PRESS, 2014. 192 PP. $30.00In this addition to the Columbia Series in Reformed Theology, Kirk Nolan attempts to overcome the theological obstacles that Karl Barth raises to Reformed moral (...)
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  4. A Harmony of the Westminster Presbyterian Standards, with Explanatory Notes.James Benjamin Green - 1951
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    The Bantu Presbyterian Church in South Africa and Ecumenism, 1940–1999.Graham A. Duncan - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):1-7.
    From 1940, ecumenical developments in the Presbyterian/Congregational corpus in Southern Africa became more tortuous and complex, with an expansion of the number of denominations involved in union negotiations to include the Bantu Presbyterian Church of South Africa, the Congregational Union of South Africa, later the United Congregational Church of South Africa, the Presbyterian Church of Southern Africa and the Tsonga Presbyterian Church. The problem statement centres around the complex situation that despite substantial (...)
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    Cerebral faith and faith in praxis in the churches of European origin: The Presbyterian Church of South(ern) Africa.Graham A. Duncan - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):11.
    This article investigated the paradox between church response to apartheid and resulting action at the local level in the South African churches of European origin from the perspective of the Presbyterian Church of South(ern) Africa (PCSA). It indicated that this discrepancy arose between the reflections (cerebral faith) at the highest levels of church councils, which operated in an intermittent manner and at a distance, compared with the responses (praxis as faith in action) of local church (...)
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    Gender dynamics in church leadership: A case study of the Presbyterian Church and Full Gospel Mission in Cameroon.Helen N. Linonge-Fontebo & Magezi E. Baloyi - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (3):7.
    The biblical creation of woman in which she was taken from man’s rib is one of the passages that are misinterpreted to solidify the subjection and oppression of women with the two Cameroonian Churches, Presbyterian and Full Gospel Mission (FGM). This implies that the complementarity that existed in pre-colonial leadership was eroded as a result. This article will use the qualitative approach to unmask and analyse the practices of gender inequality within the Presbyterian and FGM of Cameroon and (...)
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    Discrimination and differentiation in the development of worship in the Presbyterian Church of South(ern) Africa.Graham A. Duncan - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):5.
    Worship as the work of the people of God does not arise in a vacuum. It is contextual and cultural. In the areas of the world, long designated as the mission field, many developments were transported to countries in the global south and imposed on local peoples. This was true of the arrival of Presbyterians who came to settle in southern Africa. Presbyterians imported two differing traditions of worship, the evangelical and the liturgical, and introduced them to the indigenous peoples (...)
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  9. What Presbyterians Believe, An Expo-sition of the Westminster Confession.Gordon H. Clark - 1956
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    Women and ministry: The presbyterian church of England.Jacqueline Field-Bibb - 1990 - Heythrop Journal 31 (2):150–164.
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    Challenges facing the ministerial formation in Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa: A critical reflection.Moroka Mogashoa & Karabo Makofane - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3):1-9.
    Following the union of the Presbyterian Church of Southern Africa and Reformed Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa to form the Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa in 1999, it was necessary to consolidate theological education of a united church. This was a wise and bold decision by UPCSA, as a first attempt to integrate the training of both black and white students, but more importantly to give institutional expression to the advancement of unity. (...)
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    The Patterns of Corruption in Christian Churches of Cameroon: The Case of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon.Michael Kpughe Lang - 2014 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 31 (2):132-144.
    Cameroon’s post-independence era has so far been marked by an upsurge in the number of Christian churches. This proliferation of Catholic, Protestant, and Pentecostal churches is probably the product of the heightened desire for spirituality. These churches, according to public opinion, are expected to be epicenters of good moral values and Christian behavior. Unfortunately, this has not always been the case. The present article seeks to point out that the establishment and growth of some indigenous denominations has been impacted by (...)
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    Rethinking theological training as ministerial empowerment for contextual mission: A case of the Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa.Sibusiso Zungu & Buhle Mpofu - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):1–9.
    This research engaged a realist paradigm to triangulate existing literature with data that emerged from a PhD study on ministerial formation within the context of being a missional church in the Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa (UPCSA). The study identified the need for theological training and ministerial formation to be relevant, contextual and responsive to the realities of the African communities. We concluded that current theological training module is dominated by Eurocentric expressions and narratives, which highlight (...)
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  14. Corrigendum: Gender dynamics in church leadership: A case study of the Presbyterian Church and Full Gospel Mission in Cameroon.Helen N. Linonge-Fontebo & Magezi E. Baloyi - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 81 (1):1.
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    350 Years Reformed in South Africa: The contribution of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa.Graham A. Duncan - 2003 - HTS Theological Studies 59 (1).
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    The early Korean Protestant Churches’ impact on Korea’s democratisation: With special reference to the Korean Presbyterian Church.Jae-Buhm Hwang - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (1).
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  17. The Broadening Church, A Study of Theological Issues in the Presbyterian Church since 1869.Lefferts A. Loetscher - 1954
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    The Westminster Dictionary of Christian Ethics ed. by James F. Childress and John Macquarrie.Brian V. Johnstone - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (2):375-376.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 375 7he Westminster Dictionary of Christian Ethics. Edited by JAMES F. CHILDRESS and J mrn MACQUARRIE. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1986. Pp. xvii + 678. $29.95. This is a second, revised edition of The Dictionary of Christian Ethics, prepared by John Macquarrie and published in 1967. This new edition follows Macquarrie's conception of a dictionary, but expands it. It includes several subject areas, basic ethical (...)
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  19.  10
    A study of the relation between Christianity and Khasi-Jaintia culture 1899–1969 with particular reference to the theology and practice of the Khasi-Jaintia Presbyterian Church[REVIEW]Ladder Mylliemngap - 1999 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 16 (2):70-71.
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    Health and Medicine in the Perspective of the Westminster Confession of Faith.F. E. Payne - 2014 - Christian Bioethics 20 (1):67-79.
    The Presbyterian and Reformed tradition, as one representation of Biblical theology and ethics, has considerable application to physical health. This perspective is effectively embodied in the Westminster Confession of Faith which includes “the moral law,” especially as illustrated in the Larger Catechism Questions and Answers on the Ten Commandments. The WCF has many Biblical principles that promote health and prevent disease, for example, the Seventh Commandment can be “extensively demonstrated empirically” that violations promote morbidity and mortality. This result (...)
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  21. Presbyterians, republicans, and democracy in church and state, c.1570-1660.Rachel Hammersley - 2019 - In Cesare Cuttica & Markku Peltonen, Democracy and anti-democracy in early modern England, 1603-1689. Boston: Brill.
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  22. Presbyterianism and the right of private judgement : church government in Ireland and Scotland in the age of Francis Hutheson.James Moore - 2012 - In Ruth Savage, Philosophy and religion in Enlightenment Britain: new case studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    The defense of the faith. By Cornelius Van til. Professor of apologetics in westminster theological seminary, philadelphia. Published by the presbyterian and reformed publishing company, philadelphia, pennsylVania. 1955. Price $4.95. [REVIEW]F. H. von Meijenfeldt - 1955 - Philosophia Reformata 20 (1-4):183-184.
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    An American Scholar Recalls Karl Barth’s Golden Years as a Teacher by Raymond Kemp Anderson, and: The Westminster Handbook to Karl Barth ed. by Richard E. Burnett.Matthew R. Jantzen - 2015 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 35 (2):207-209.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:An American Scholar Recalls Karl Barth’s Golden Years as a Teacher (1958–1964) by Raymond Kemp Anderson, and: The Westminster Handbook to Karl Barth ed. by Richard E. BurnettMatthew R. JantzenAn American Scholar Recalls Karl Barth’s Golden Years as a Teacher (1958–1964) Raymond Kemp Anderson lewiston, ny: edwin mellen press, 2013. 438 pp. $159.95The Westminster Handbook to Karl Barth Edited by Richard E. Burnett louisville, ky: (...) john knox press, 2013. 242 pp. $35.00On April 2, 1966, Karl Barth received a letter from Peter Vogelsanger, informing him that Emil Brunner—the recipient of Barth’s thunderous “Nein!” on the subject of natural theology in 1934—was on his deathbed. Two days later, Barth responded and asked Vogelsanger to tell Brunner that “the time when I thought I should say No to him is long since past, and we all live only by the fact that a great and merciful God speaks his gracious Yes to all of us.” The irenic, compassionate, and affirming tone of this letter is typical of the “mature” Barth, whom Raymond Anderson studied under from 1958 to 1964 as a ThD student at the University of Basel. This period of doctoral study is the subject of Anderson’s interesting and eminently readable new book. Anderson enjoyably weaves together several different genres in his reflections on his experience with Barth, smoothly transitioning back and forth between personal memoir, constructive theological argument, and thoughtful interpretation of Barth’s life and writings.Structurally, the book offers a series of recollections and reflections gathered loosely around common themes rather than a tightly knit argument pursued rigorously from beginning to end. In other words, the work is a series of sketches from the artist’s notebook, as opposed to one intricate and detailed portrait focusing on a single subject. [End Page 207]In the first five chapters of the book, Anderson sketches a picture of the elderly Karl Barth who served as his “doktorvater,” drawing material from his student notes and personal memories of the years he spent with Barth in Basel. While Anderson finds continuity between the earlier and later writings of Barth, he suggests that the older Barth began to increasingly unfold the “fuller, grace-centered and human-shaped positive implications” of the earlier writings (viii). In Anderson’s experience, Barth’s early appeal to “Let God be God!” had in those later years “mellowed to an even deeper appeal to let God be himself, human as well, in the most unexpected ways” (11). This mellowing extended beyond Barth’s writing to his personality and demeanor as a teacher and theologian. The Barth whom Anderson knew was humble, understated, and compassionate, a sympathetic listener and a generous interpreter—in short, an “un-dogmatic” dogmatician (139).In the sixth chapter, Anderson shifts gears and reproduces extensive transcriptions of his own notes from several of Barth’s biweekly English-language colloquia on the topics of natural theology, the Old Testament promise, Paul Tillich, and existentialism. Anderson suggests that these notes are particularly valuable because in them one witnesses Barth explaining the bare essentials of his thinking in clear and simple English terms. This is true for large portions of the transcriptions. However, it must be said that there are also portions of these transcriptions that suffer from the lack of clarity that one might expect to find in student notes of discussions conducted in a language with which Barth was not completely comfortable. Nevertheless, these transcriptions provide previously unpublished primary source material from Barth that is worth examining.From chapter 7 until the end of the book, Anderson takes up the task of “sketching key insights and special teachings from the mature Barth that in the years since Barth’s death have shown themselves to carry special significance for our American college classroom, church school, and pulpit” (205). These include, but are not limited to, Barth’s attitude toward America, his emphasis on the priority of grace, his theology of nature (not his natural theology), and his positions on theories of religion, satisfaction theories of the atonement, election, universalism, and even the possibility of extraterrestrial life. This section also includes... (shrink)
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    A Catholic, Presbyterian, and Orthodox Journey: The Changing Church Affiliation and Enduring Social Vision of Nicholas Bjerring.D. Oliver Herbel - 2007 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 14 (1):49-80.
    Für gewöhnlich wird die orthodoxe Kirche nicht mit der amerikanischen Social Gospel Bewegung in Verbindung gebracht. Im Fall Nicholas Bjerrings, der sowohl der sozialen Frage innerhalb der orthodoxen Kirche als auch des Katholizismus und – vermittelt über den Presbyterianismus – des Protestantismus nachging, findet sich genau diese Verbindung: Bjerring war als einzige Person der amerikanischen Religionsgeschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts dem sozialen Dienst aller drei großen christlichen Konfessionen nachgegangen. Aus Dänemark als Katholik eingewandert, wurde er 1870 russisch-orthodoxer Priester, 1883 presbyterianischer Minister (...)
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    An evaluation of the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian General Assembly and poverty alleviation from a koinōnian perspective in Malawi.Qeko Jere - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (2).
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    (1 other version)African philosophical foundation of a pneumatological controversy inside the church of Central African Presbyterian in Malawi.Grivas Muchineripi Kayange - 2018 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 7 (1):79-100.
    I investigate the African philosophical foundations of a pneumatological controversy inside the Church of Central African Presbyterian in Malawi. While apparently the conflict consists in difficulties in embracing both the New Pentecostal Theology and the Reformed Calvinist Theology within CCAP, it is rooted in the philosophical conflict between communitarianism and individualism. CCAP fully embraced the African communitarian philosophy mixed with Christian communism as its essence, while adherents of NPT followed individualism. Consequently, this affected the interpretation of the fundamental (...)
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    The Balfour Declaration: Scottish Presbyterian Eschatology and British Policy Towards Palestine.Alasdair Black - 2018 - Perichoresis 16 (4):35-59.
    This article considers the theological influences on the Balfour Declaration which was made on the 2 November 1917 and for the first time gave British governmental support to the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. It explores the principal personalities and political workings behind the Declaration before going on to argue the statement cannot be entirely divested from the religious sympathies of those involved, especially Lord Balfour. Thereafter, the paper explores the rise of Christian Restorationism in the context of (...)
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    The Lord's prayer [interpretation: Resources for the use of scripture in the church] by C. Clifton Black, westminster John Knox, louisville, 2018, pp. 400, $40.00, hbk. [REVIEW]Paul Rowse - 2021 - New Blackfriars 102 (1097):141-143.
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  30. The Stance of the Catholic Church on Sharing the Eucharist with Baptised Non-Catholics such as Anglicans and Presbyterians.Brendan Daly - 2007 - The Australasian Catholic Record 84 (3):289.
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    The Scottish Reformations and the Origin of Religious and Civil Liberty in Britain and Ireland: Presbyterian Interpretations, c.1800-60.Andrew Holmes - 2014 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 90 (1):135-153.
    This article examines Presbyterian interpretations in Scotland and Ireland of the Scottish Reformations of 1560 and 1638–43. It begins with a discussion of the work of two important Presbyterian historians of the early nineteenth century, the Scotsman, Thomas McCrie, and the Irishman, James Seaton Reid. In their various publications, both laid the template for the nineteenth-century Presbyterian understanding of the Scottish Reformations by emphasizing the historical links between the Scottish and Irish churches in the early-modern period and (...)
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  32. Benthamite Radicalism and its Scots Presbyterian Contexts.Valerie Wallace - 2012 - Utilitas 24 (1):1-25.
    This article argues that James Mill's immersion in Presbyterianism inspired an aversion to hierarchical government and a bias in favour of the Church of Scotland. These views are discernible in Bentham's Church-of-Englandism. Bentham argued for disestablishment on principle but, praising the Scottish Church as a , omitted the Kirk from his church reform manifesto. His position on disestablishment, however, and his endorsement of Presbyterianism were aligned with a voluntaryist strain of Presbyterian ecclesiological theory; Presbyterian (...)
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    The Rhetoric of Homosexual Practice.John J. Anderson - 2013 - Journal of Religious Ethics 41 (4):601-625.
    Many Protestant denominations have or recently had policies that prohibit “self-avowed practicing homosexuals” from being ordained. By only prohibiting “practicing” homosexuals, proponents of these policies claim that they do not discriminate against homosexuals as a group since, technically, a homosexual can still be ordained as long as she is “non-practicing.” In other words, a condemnation of homosexual practice is not the same as a condemnation of homosexual persons. I argue that this is not the case; the rhetoric of homosexual practice (...)
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    Transversal modes of being a missional church in the digital context of COVID-19.Buhle Mpofu - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-6.
    The disruptions of coronavirus disease 2019 in the year 2020 reshaped all aspects of life, including religious practices and rituals. As more religious activities shifted to digital space during the lockdown periods, there was a growing need to examine the link between religion and digital media. Using the model of the Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa, this article draws on the notion of transversal rationality and concepts of rationality, cognitive, evaluative and pragmatic to posit that COVID-19 has (...)
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    Church and the War. The Vision of the Orthodox Monk Nicola Velimirović about World War I.Iuliu Marius Morariu - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (3Sup1):113-124.
    Using documents, books and articles written by Nicola Velimirović during World War I, this article investigates his attitude towards this conflagration and shows how his Christian views influence his outlook on this topic. Shared during his visits to the USA and England and via lectures given in venues like Westminster Abbey or Oxford University, his ideas make him a militant for peace and, at the same time, a man who defends his country's cause in front of the Austro-Hungarian abuses. (...)
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    Natural Selection at New College: The Evolution of Science and Theology at a Scottish Presbyterian Seminary.Mark Harris - 2022 - Zygon 57 (3):525-544.
    The contemporary creation–evolution debate has become so polarized (over the issue of either Genesis or evolutionary science) as to obscure the more nuanced questions that have arisen in the historical and theological reception of Darwinism. Edinburgh's New College has been the academic home to some prominent scientists and theologians who have grappled with these questions since the early days of evolutionary science in the first half of the nineteenth century. Most obviously, this activity was focused on the decision to create (...)
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    Korean theologians’ deep-seated anti-missionary sentiment.Jae-Buhm Hwang - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1):9.
    This study examines a deep-seated anti-missionary sentiment of Korean theologians and church historians. Chai-Choon Kim and Jong-Sung Rhee were arguably most responsible for popularizing anti-missionary sentiment among Korean Christians. The main reason for the criticisms of both Kim and Rhee against the American Presbyterian Korea missionaries was the supposedly fundamentalist schisms of the Presbyterian Church of Korea in the 1950s, which both Kim and Rhee reasoned to have been originated from their Old Princeton theology. The theological (...)
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    Role of Culture, Patriarchy, and Ordination of Women Clergy in PCEA Church: A Review of Forty Years of Women’s Ordination between 1982–2022. [REVIEW]Rev Jane Kariuki - 2024 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 4 (1):1-9.
    The ordination of women into ministry remains a theological and scholarly debate. Even though PCEA was among the earliest churches to ordain the first woman clergy, the progress of ordination of women compared to men remains inadequate. Cultural aspects, patriarchy, and religious traditions of the Church have influenced the position of women in the church. Patriarchy as a theology of headship continues to be a roadblock to having many women ordained in the church. This paper investigated the (...)
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    (1 other version)Evangelical ethics: issues facing the church today.John Jefferson Davis - 1993 - Phillipsburg, N.J.: P&R.
    For two Decades, Evangelical Ethics has been regarded as one of the best treatments of contemporary ethical problems facing Christians. This third edition has new chapters on environmental ethics and the genetic revolution, and other chapters have been revised and updated. Book jacket.
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    Ubufundisi bonyana womgquba: In memoriam of Vuyani Shadrack Vellem.Wonke Buqa - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):7.
    Vuyani Vellem was a distinguished scholar of black theology of liberation. A number of giants of black scholarship and theologians have written constructive tributes in recognition of his work, particularly in academia. He has rightly been lauded as an excellent academic, but very little has been said about his role as a churchman. Despite being an outstanding African theologian, Vellem’s ministerial formation was hewed in the context of the black-conscious minister from the African Christian missionary church enterprise. He was (...)
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    Tiyo Soga at the intersection of ‘universes in collision’.Graham A. Duncan - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (1):1-12.
    Tiyo Soga, the first black minister ordained in Scotland by the United Presbyterian Church of Scotland in 1856, was, by any standards, a conflicted character. He stood both in and between two worlds and suffered from the vulnerability that emerged from his dual allegiances. Yet he made a significant contribution to the mission history of South Africa, particularly through his early influence on the development of black consciousness and black nationalism, which were to make significant contributions to black (...)
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  42.  42
    Darwin.Philip Appleman - 1970 - New York,: Norton. Edited by Philip Appleman.
    Overview * Part I: Introduction * Philip Appleman, Darwin: On Changing the Mind * Part II: Darwin’s Life * Ernst Mayr, Who Is Darwin? * Part III: Scientific Thought: Just before Darwin * Sir Gavin de Beer, Biology before the Beagle * Thomas Robert Malthus, An Essay on the Principle of Population * William Paley, Natural Theology * Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet Lamarck, Zoological Philisophy * Charles Lyell, Principles of Geology * John Herschell, The Study of Natural Philosophy (...)
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    Practicing the Religious Self: Buddhist-Christian Identity as Social Artifact.Duane R. Bidwell - 2008 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 28:3-12.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Practicing the Religious Self: Buddhist-Christian Identity as Social ArtifactDuane R. BidwellIt is somewhat paradoxical to write or speak about identity formation in two religious traditions that ultimately deny the reality of any identity that we might claim or fashion for ourselves. In the Christian traditions, a person’s true (or ultimate) identity is received through God’s action and grace in baptism; to foreground any other facet of the self, or (...)
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    Moral Discernment and Mainline Protestantism.Peter Browning - 2008 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 28 (1):109-132.
    This essay explores the efforts toward moral discernment within the Presbyterian Church and supports the recommendations of its Task Force on Peace, Purity, and Unity of the Church while suggesting areas of improvement. Relying on the South African theologian John de Gruchy and research in conflict resolution, the benefits of a discernment model attentive to truth telling, repentance, restorative justice, and collaborative ministry are many. Discernment moves ethical discourse out of parliamentary and juridical frameworks toward a model (...)
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    Wishing I Were Here: Postcards from My Religious Journey.Grace G. Burford - 2003 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (1):39-41.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (2003) 39-41 [Access article in PDF] Wishing I Were Here:Postcards from My Religious Journey Grace G. Burford Prescott College Summer 1966, Bowling Green, Kentucky An energetic ten-year-old, sitting on a red-cushioned wooden pew in a Presbyterian church leans over to her mother to whisper, "Which is it? Are we supposed to be like little children, or leave behind our childish ways?" After church, (...)
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    Hated without a reason – Contending with issues of human sexuality in a South African ecclesial context: A case study.Graham A. Duncan - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-8.
    The mainline churches in South Africa are in turmoil internally as a result of divisions arising out of issues related to human sexuality. These issues have serious implications for these churches, church families within them, and the relationship of these churches with one another and with the state. There is little open space for debate as discussions are hampered by a variety of theological perspectives on the authority of scripture, some of which are fixed and absolutised. This is a (...)
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    High or Low? Writing the Irish Reformation in the Early Nineteenth Century.Alan Ford - 2014 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 90 (1):93-112.
    The Irish Reformation is a contentious issue, not just between Catholic and Protestant, but also within the Protestant churches, as competing Presbyterian and Anglican claims are made over the history of the Irish reformation. This chapter looks at the way in which James Seaton Reid,, laid claim to the Reformation for Irish Dissent in his History of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. It then examines the rival Anglican histories by two High Churchmen: Richard Mant, Bishop of Down (...)
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    Which Way to Justice?Jennifer Harvey - 2011 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 31 (1):57-77.
    IN THE LAST TEN YEARS SEVERAL MAINLINE PROTESTANT DENOMINATIONS have gone on record as supporting reparations for slavery. Reparations represent a new approach to racial justice and a transformed understanding of racial relationships from that which has characterized mainline US Protestantism since the civil rights movement. These initiatives importantly raise the issue of whiteness and white moral agency as these pertain to racism, without attention to which, the author argues, racial justice efforts will be inadequate. The essay engages in analysis (...)
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  49. "The Grievances from Toleration”: Scotland heading towards the Enlightenment.Christian Maurer - 2020 - Global Intellectual History 5 (2):247-263.
    In this article, I analyse some pre-Humean arguments for and against tolerance by early eighteenth-century Scottish philosophers and theologians. I present these in dialogue with the Confession of Faith, which constituted the central doctrinal pillar of the Presbyterian Church of Scotland. The Kirk viewed tolerance rather suspiciously as a danger for its unity, and if the Confession asserted liberty of conscience against the Catholics, it insisted nevertheless on rigid boundaries. This created tensions which the theologians John Simson and (...)
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  50.  7
    Religion's power: what makes it work.Robert Wuthnow - 2023 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    In 1903, a representative from the Salvation Army's headquarters in London traveled to Canada to explore the possibility of relocating Britain's poor overseas. Over the next three decades, a quarter of a million people were shipped to destinations in Canada, Australia, and Africa. More than a hundred thousand of those deported were children: abandoned, orphaned, and otherwise separated from their natural parents. Dozens of religious organizations took part in the effort: the Catholic Emigration Association, Church of England Society for (...)
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